Over five generations of the family at Oberachenhof
How farming has changed over the years
History and old family photos
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- This picture is actually hanging in the Tirol Milk Headquarters. It is a photo of the Stoeckl family picking herbs that will later be dried and used to treat ailments. The little girl in the photo is now 70 years old.
- The farm has had a lively past, trying to piece everything together can be quite a task. First up, the 'old' farm at Oberachen circa 1935.
- Not so long ago, all the farm work at the mountain huts was done by hand. Therefore the number of works was much larger. Tree cutting with saws and hand milking to name a couple of the labour intensive jobs.
- A traditional Austrian family wedding portrait. The man at the back on the right is Martins father. Therefore this photo will be 60 years old.
- Even with beautiful scenery some of the old portraits were set against painted backdrops. I'll have to dig a bit to find out who these people were.
- Second from the right on the bottom row is Manu's wife Barbara. All the children helps on their family farm in the Zillertaller mountains.
- Another posed photography with a painted background. Again, not sure who the children are but I'll endevour to find out.